Teacher Training Director and owner, Cathie Teague, is committed to the preservation of Joseph Pilates’
original method and techniques. Cathie is a third generation teacher with 25+ years of teacher training experience.
Cathie received her training and certification from Amy Alpers and Rachel Segel at The Pilates Center in
Boulder, Colorado, often referred as the “Harvard of Pilates Training Centers.”
She completed the Boulder schools Masters Program and was Gold Certified by the Pilates Method Alliance
in 2001 - an alliance of Pilates professionals offering an international exam and certification to support
and preserve the standards of the method.
Teague Pilates Institute provides practical, in-depth knowledge of the complete Classic Pilates method. We
provide the tools and environment necessary to become a dynamic and effective teacher. Students learn how to
teach at various levels and for all body types while being safe and effective.

Fundamental Program is Six Months in length with two parts.
Part One: Five 6 Hour Workshops plus lectures and symposiums as needed.
Part Two: 375 hours internship
150 observation hours
150 practice teaching hours (including case study*)
50 lessons (at least 30 private lessons)
25 personal workouts
Case study: You are allowed to practice teach on a pupil of your choice at no studio fee.
Upon completion of the six month course, you will have thorough knowledge of all Level III exercises on all of the apparatus and be able to teach through Level III.
Comprehensive Program is One year in length with two parts.
Part One: Ten 6 Hour Workshops plus lectures and symposiums as needed.
Part Two: 700 hours internship:
250 observation hours
300 practice teaching hours (including case study)
100 lessons (at least 50 private lessons)
50 personal workouts
Upon completion of the one year course, you will possess a thorough understanding of the method and theory behind Pilates. You will be able to accurately assess posture and movement patterns, prescribe and teach effective Classic Pilates lessons, as well as pace workouts for productive movement.
Students are taught to assess clients’ individual needs and provide them with a strong foundation to improve themselves in body and mind. In this context, they learn to understand body and mind connections by working on all apparatus while increasing body awareness and mindful presence though coaching and mentoring.
Pilates is a system that teaches how movements can transform the way one feels, moves, and lives in his/her own body. Our students understand that Pilates is not just a series of exercises in a routine, but rather it is a technique of moving the body through alignment and control that is life changing.
Attend formal lectures, workshops and symposiums.
Complete observation hours.
Complete practice teaching hours.
Complete personal lessons and workouts.
Complete case study.
Complete reading list and anatomy palettes.
Pass written and practical exams with a score of 75% or higher.
Workshops may be attended individually. Inquire for details
Workshops may be attended individually. Inquire for details
Graduate Testimonials
Karin O'Shea, Thousand Oaks
Certified 2014
The years that I spent in the teacher training program at Teague Pilates were invaluable. When I first joined it took me time to find the mind body connection,but through the requirements that included practice teaching and private sessions and workshops I was able to develop that in my body.
This program will prepare you for teaching Pilates anywhere. the Teague Pilates classical method provides the training that is necessary to teach the beginner as well as an advanced clientele. The philosophy and dedication is proven to be the most effective and efficient training with proven results.
I will always be grateful to the wonderful staff that provided the tools that have made me the successful Pilates instructor that I am today. Teague Pilates provides continuing education for life long learning
Lyndsy Cappon, Maine
Certified 2012
What I have learned at Teague Pilates truly has helped shape me into the person I am today. I was a high school athlete left with a lot of pain and a back brace, wondering if this was going to be the rest of my life. Through practicing Pilates and learning how to use my body in a centered, balanced way, I was completely relieved of back pain and felt more connected to my body than ever before. Movement became a way to express myself, and being able to teach what I had learned gave me a purpose.
I learned more than just routines and exercises, I realized how qualities like patience, acceptance, and willingness can translate into all aspects of our lives. I feel confident working with all types of bodies and personalities and I know Pilates is something I can take with me around the world. In February 2018, I opened my own small studio in Bridgton, Maine! Staying true to Classical Pilates has benefited my clients’ health and confidence, and staying true to myself has given me a passion that I can now share with as many people as possible!
Romina Laygo, Oak Park
Certified 2009
When I discovered Teague Classical Pilates I discovered a challenging method of movement that was kind to my body. I listened to my body and understood the way in which it liked to work, where it liked to overwork and amazingly, where it was just plain lazy.
Within weeks my hard muscles gave way to a supple form. I grew stronger without the bulk and tightness. I was able to do things I once thought impossible. For the first time in my life, I could run long distance without joint pain and competed in my first 5K race.
I became so greatly enamored with the Pilates Method that I joined the Teacher Training Program. I wanted to be able to share with others the great truth that I had learned. Today I have the privilege of doing just that as a certified Classical Pilates instructor.